Harvesting with Ciherang Rice Varieties - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Harvesting with Ciherang Rice Varieties

Harvesting with Ciherang Rice Varieties

September 29, 2021 | BPS Activities

Today, September 29, 2021, the Ciherang variety is harvested at the Sawah Abadi Nursery, East Cakung, East Jakarta with the Head of the KPKP Service, the Mayor of East Jakarta and their staff, the Head of the DKI Jakarta Province BPS, and representatives from the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia.

This rice harvest is the second harvest in 2021 with a perennial rice field area of 5.4 hectares and an estimated yield of around 6 tons. With a seed production target of 25 tons. Interestingly, this harvest uses a combine harvester or harvesting machine so that it is more effective and efficient.
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