Release 5 February 2020 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Release 5 February 2020

Release 5 February 2020

February 5, 2020 | BPS Activities

The Capital's Consumer Optimism Rises In The Final Quarter Of 2019.
The results of the Consumer Tendency Survey (STK) conducted in December 2019 showed that consumer economic conditions in the fourth quarter of 2019 were better than the third quarter. This is indicated by the amount of the Consumer Tendency Index (ITK) which reached 112.64. This was released by BPS DKI Jakarta Province.
The main component of the high index value is the fourth quarter income index of 116.97. This value is far above the previous quarter, which was 98.91. This shows the perception of a significant increase in income for most people. Private employees/employees will generally receive an annual bonus.
The next component is the consumption volume index of 115.55. Christmas and New Year's celebrations are suspected to trigger high consumption in the community. Although in the fourth quarter there was inflation of 0.72 percent, it did not dampen consumer optimism in shopping. This condition was reflected in the inflation effect index which reached 102.22.

In addition to capturing the current condition, STK results are also able to provide an overview of consumer conditions in the coming quarter. On the same occasion, Buyung Airlangga also explained that the positive perception of the economic condition will continue until quarter 1 - 2020.
The upcoming ITK, namely the first quarter of 2020 reaching 102.44, shows a positive perception of the improvement in people's economic conditions during that period, although the degree of optimism decreased compared to the previous quarter
This condition was mainly driven by optimism for an increase in income. This is suspected to be the impact of the government's decision to increase the UMP for private employees. However, people tend to refrain from consuming durable goods.
Measurement of the future ITK is an important indicator to see the movement of household consumption levels in one quarter period ahead.
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