Development of the Manufacturing Industry Production Index of DKI Jakarta Province, 2022 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Development of the Manufacturing Industry Production Index of DKI Jakarta Province, 2022

Catalog Number : 6102002.31
Publication Number : 31000.2334
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : September 22, 2023
Language : Indonesian and English
File Size : 4.48 MB


The Central Bureau of Statistics of DKI Jakarta periodically holds a Monthly Large and Medium Industries Survey (SIBS) and a Quarterly Micro and Small Industry Survey (SIMK). These two surveys were conducted to capture the manufacturing sector’s performance monthly and quarterly. As output,theresults ofthese twosurveys are presentedintheformofquarterly growth of the Manufacturing Industry production index, which is used to calculate the manufacturing industry growth rate from micro to large scale. This figure is also used to calculate the Gross Re- gional Domestic Product (GRDP), especially in the manufacturing sector.This publication is prepared as a Monthly SIBS and Quarterly SIMK 2020 Activity Report, which presents the IBS and IMK production index from January to December 2020 according to the two-digit Indonesian Standard Classification of Business Fields (KBLI) 2015 based on the “International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC)” Revision 4 of 2015. The results of the Monthly SIBS and Quarterly SIMK were previously released quarterly in the Official News Statistics. However, in 2021 the release was postponed indefinitely due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
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