The Indicator of Sustainable Development Goals of DKI Jakarta Province 2022 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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The Indicator of Sustainable Development Goals of DKI Jakarta Province 2022

Catalog Number : 3102033.31
Publication Number : 31000.2317
ISSN/ISBN : 2797-5797
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : June 27, 2023
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 6.74 MB


DKI Jakarta Province has entered into a new chapter in the implementation of the universal development agenda known as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As an international development agreement, the SDGs encourage changes towards sustainable development which includes economic, social and environmental dimensions. As a data provider agency, the DKI Jakarta Province Central Statistics Agency (BPS) continues to strive to support local government efforts in achieving successful implementation of TPB by providing accurate, objective and up to date data and information. Furthermore, as a form of BPS commitment, the publication "Indicators of Sustainable Development Goals for DKI Jakarta Province 2022" was compiled.In principle, the information presented in this publication refers to all indicators of the SDGs as contained in the Indonesian SDGs metadata. However, given the limited availability of data, not all indicators can be presented in this publication.
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