Results of the 2020 Population Census Long Form of DKI Jakarta Province - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Results of the 2020 Population Census Long Form of DKI Jakarta Province

Catalog Number : 2102047.31
Publication Number : 31000.2304
Publishing Frequency : Monthly
Release Date : February 10, 2023
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 6.21 MB


The Long Form SP2020 has a big mission as a benchmark for Indonesia's population indicators including Jakarta. A demographic portrait of Jakarta after going through the 2nd wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic becomes material for evaluating development achievements in the population sector in the SDGs and RPJMD, as well as being the basis for determining Jakarta's development policies.
Even though the SP2020 Long Form was implemented in the midst of a pandemic, there were several innovations implemented, one of which was the use of the CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing) mode, which was implemented for the first time in the history of the population census in Indonesia. The journey of implementation and results of the Long Form SP2020 is briefly presented in the Population Indicators Outcome of the Long Form SP2020 booklet. This booklet presents a comprehensive picture of Jakarta's population status based on the results of the Long Form SP2020.
The basic data coverage of the SP2020 Long Form results are indicators of fertility, mortality, mobility, employment, disability, education, and housing. It is hoped that the provision of demographic parameters and the characteristics of Jakarta's population will produce indicators to monitor and evaluate the achievement of the SDGs and RPJMD targets in the population sector.
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