Manufacturing Industrial Statistics DKI Jakarta 2015 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Manufacturing Industrial Statistics DKI Jakarta 2015

Catalog Number : 6103019
Publication Number : 31530.1703
ISSN/ISBN : 1829-7099
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : December 27, 2017
Revision Date : December 29, 2017
Language : Indonesian and English
File Size : 14.16 MB


In 2015, The number of establishments in Province DKI Jakarta was 1.323 establishments. Based on the type of industry, there were 281 establishments of the wearing apparel manufacturing. These types of industries were identified as the highest number of establishment or 21,24 percent of the total establishment. The workers absorption in 2015 were 277.597 persons consists production workforce of 223.772 person, other workers of 53.825 persons and unpaid workforce of 505 persons. In terms of the number of persons engaged or workers, the wearing apparel manufacturing absorbed the most number of workers 62.402 persons. Compensation to employee was 14,95 trillion rupiahs. The biggest employee compensation occurred in the motor vehicles, trailers and semitrailers, which was 5,79 trillion rupiahs or 38,77 percent of the total employee compensation. In 2015, the total input values was recorded at 157,04 trillion rupiahs. The motor vehicles, trailers and semitrailers the largest share with 53,44 trillion rupiahs or 34,03 percent of the total input values for the whole sector. Most of the share of input in the 2015 came from raw materials with 108,75 trillion rupiahs or 69,25 percent of the total input. In 2015, output produced by the large and medium scale manufacturing establishments was 321,85 trillion rupiahs. The largest share of output came from the motor vehicles, trailers and semitrailers , which was 129,20 trillion rupiahs or 40,14 percent of the total output. In 2015, value added produced by the large and medium scale manufacturing establishments was 164,81 trillion rupiahs. Value added the Motor vehicles, trailers and semi trailers with 75,76 trillion rupiahs or 45,97 percent of the total value added dominated the highest contribution in 2015. The other transport equipment contributed 24,36 trillion rupiahs. The manufacture of electrical equipment gave 10,85 trillion rupiahs. In 2015, the total use of electricity produced by their own generators were 54.994.327 KWh, while total electricity bought were 11.799.119.223 KWh with the cost of 4,51 trillion rupiahs. In 2015, the largest consumption of fuel was from diesel fuel 2.648.297.088 liters with the value of 17,31 billion rupiahs. The biggest fuel consumption cost came from the Motor vehicles, trailers and semi trailers, which were 16,96 billion rupiahs.
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