DKI Jakarta Province Figures Of Fishing Household Results Of ST2013-Subsector Survey - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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DKI Jakarta Province Figures Of Fishing Household Results Of ST2013-Subsector Survey

Catalog Number : 5106013.31
Publication Number : 1
Publishing Frequency : Ad Hoc
Release Date : January 19, 2016
Language : Indonesian and English
File Size : 5.27 MB


Publication of Fishing Household Survey (ST2013 SPI) is the result of the processing of ST2013-SPI.S Form. ST2013 SPI is one of agricultural household subsector surveys as parts of a series of the Census of Agriculture 2013 (ST2013) activities held in May-July 2014 in all provinces. As a whole, the surveys consist of 9 subsector surveys. Each survey is published separately with a given publication code from A to I, such as Paddy Cultivation Household of ST2013-Subsector Survey (Book A), Secondary Food Crops Cultivation Household of ST2013-Subsector Survey (Book B), Horticulture Cultivation Household of ST2013-Subsector Survey (Book C), Estate Cultivation Household of ST2013-Subsector Survey (Book D), Livestock Household of ST2013-Subsector Survey (Book E), Aquaculture Household of ST2013-Subsector Survey (Book F), Fishing Household of ST2013-Subsector Survey (Book G), Forestry Plant Cultivation Household of ST2013-Subsector Survey (Book H), and Household Around Forest Area of ST2013 Survey (Book I).
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