India Becomes a New Market Share for Precious Metals and Jewelery/Gems - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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India Becomes a New Market Share for Precious Metals and Jewelery/Gems

Release Date : June 5, 2023
File Size : 3.18 MB


In April 2023, Jakarta’s exports were recorded at US$ 665.05 million, decreasing 32.55 percent compared to March 2023. Even though the export performance was slightly different compared to the previous month, which increased, the market share of new exports to India showed an encouraging increase. Despite no demand for precious metals and jewellery/precious stones in the same month of the previous year, the increase in exports of these commodities was a good achievement.
Due to the seasonal pattern of the Eid holidays, Jakarta’s exports fell on a month-to-month and year-on-year basis. Electrical machinery and equipment and parts thereof have the deepest decline compared to April 2023. Meanwhile, based on the destination countries, Hong Kong had the deepest export decline.
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