Export Performance More Optimist - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Export Performance More Optimist

Release Date : May 2, 2023
File Size : 2.75 MB


The optimism of Jakarta’s export performance was shown in March 2023. Exports of Jakarta grew 7.04 percent from the previous month (month to month). Amid an uncertain global economy, Jakarta’s exports could provide a positive share of Jakarta’s economy.
The increase in exports occurred in most of the main export commodities. Preparations of cereals and flour became the commodity with the highest export increase, with Malaysia as a destination country.
In line with month-to-month export growth, year-on-year exports also showed an increase. In March 2023, exports rose 0.59 percent compared to the previous year’s month. It was triggered by the rise in exports of preparations of cereals and flour.
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