Jakarta’s Economy Strengthened in 2022 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Jakarta’s Economy Strengthened in 2022

Release Date : February 6, 2023
File Size : 5.42 MB


Increased activity and improved public mobility were the main drivers of Jakarta’s economic growth. This circumstance had an impact on rising domestic and global aggregate demand. Nonetheless, the rise of commodity prices and the slowdown of the global economy are still restraining Jakarta’s economic acceleration.

In 2022, Jakarta’s economy grew by 5.25 percent, stronger than last year’s 3.56 percent. On the demand side, almost all components increased except for Government Final Consumption Expenditure (GFCE), which experienced a contraction. Exports and Non-Profit Institution Final Consumption Expenditures (NFCE) experienced the highest growth. On the supply side, Other Services recorded the highest growth, followed by Accommodation and Food Service Activities and Human Health and Social Activities.

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