Jakarta Closes 2022 with Slowdown in Imports Performance - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Jakarta Closes 2022 with Slowdown in Imports Performance

Release Date : February 1, 2023
File Size : 1.84 MB


At the end of 2022, the threat of a global recession affected the global economy. Nevertheless, Jakarta’s economy was moving forward, as the Import performance showed a positive movement on its performance. It was reflected in the cumulative import value in January-December 2022, which increased by 21.60 percent compared to January-December 2021.
In December 2022, Jakarta’s import value reached US$ 6,512.02 million. The value of imports in this period fell by 6.81 percent compared to the previous month. A decline in the oil and gas and non-oil and gas sectors mainly triggered the decrease in the value of imports in Jakarta.
In the year-on-year period, the import value of Jakarta decreased by 5.32 percent. Several main commodities mainly triggered the decline in this period. Furthermore, based on the classification of broad economic categories (BEC), imports of intermediate goods fell by 11.02 percent compared to the same month of the previous year. Meanwhile, imports of capital goods increased by 8.32 percent, followed by imports of consumption goods increased in 0.29 percent. The increase in imports of consumption goods and capital goods showed increasing domestic demand and sectoral activity compared to the previous year, which indicated the continuity of Jakarta’s economic recovery.
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