Closing 2022, Cumulative Exports Slightly Increased Compared To The Previous Year - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Closing 2022, Cumulative Exports Slightly Increased Compared To The Previous Year

Release Date : February 1, 2023
File Size : 2.82 MB


In 2022, the high inflation and the declining economic growth signaled the slowdown of the global economy. However, amid these challenging conditions, Jakarta’s cumulative exports (January-December 2022) grew slightly by 2.24 percent compared to the same period in the previous year.
In contrast, exports in December were recorded at US$ 974.75 million, declining 1.66 percent compared to the previous month. Several main destination countries, especially China and Singapore, influenced the export decline in this period. Meanwhile, based on the commodity, the decline in exports of the three main commodities, such as precious metals and jewelry/gems, various chemical products, and electrical machinery and equipment and their parts, contributed to the decline of export.
In line with month-to-month export growth, year-on-year export edged down 1.29 percent. Four of the ten main commodities experienced a decline in export value compared to the previous year. The deepest decline was in the exports of miscellaneous chemical products.
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