Results of The Long Form 2020 Population Census DKI Jakarta Province - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Results of The Long Form 2020 Population Census DKI Jakarta Province

Release Date : January 30, 2023
File Size : 2.33 MB


Jakarta’s fertility has shown a downward trend in the last five decades. The results of the Long Form SP2020 (LF SP020) recorded a Jakarta TFR of 1.75, meaning that a woman gives birth to around 1-2 children during her reproductive period. This figure is much lower than the TFR result from the 1971 Population Census (SP1971) which was 5.18.
The Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) in Jakarta fell by almost 92 percent. In addition, the LF SP2020 results recorded a Maternal Mortality Rate in Jakarta of 48 deaths per 100,000 live births. 
Regarding population mobility, about 31 out of 100 Jakarta residents were born in other provinces. LF SP2020 data shows that 2.15 percent of Jakarta’s population are recent migrants.
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