For the First Time Since the Covid-19 Outbreak, Both Jakarta’s Poverty and Inequality Rate Is Getting Lower - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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For the First Time Since the Covid-19 Outbreak, Both Jakarta’s Poverty and Inequality Rate Is Getting Lower

Release Date : January 16, 2023
File Size : 3.9 MB


For the first time, during the Covid-19 Pandemic, Jakarta’s poverty and inequality rate has moved down simultaneously. Jakarta’s poverty rate in the September 2022 period was 4.61 percent, down 0.08 percentage points compared to March 2022. The number of poor people in this period amounted to 494.03 thousand people. Meanwhile, the inequality rate, which has continued to rise since March 2020, finally moved down 0.011 percentage points to 0.412 in this period. 
The reduction in the number of poor people was partly due to improvements in several macroeconomic indicators. In this period, the economy grew 5.94 percent and unemployment decreased by 63 thousand people, and even added 138 thousand new workers.
On the other hand, the inflation rate was recorded to be higher than the previous period (2.06 percent) due to the government’s policy of increasing fuel prices in September. However, disbursement of various types of social assistance from both the Central Government and the Provincial Government, ultimately contributed to maintaining the level of public consumption. This greatly lightens the burden of consumption expenditure, especially for the poor. 
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