The Cumulative Value of Exports Keeps Increase Despite Slightly Drop in May - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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The Cumulative Value of Exports Keeps Increase Despite Slightly Drop in May

Release Date : July 1, 2022
File Size : 3.62 MB


The increase in public activity has given positive sentiment to the strengthening of domestic economic activity. Positive growth in economic activity boosted domestic demand, It can be seen from the cumulative import value (c-to-c) from January to May 2022 also increased by 24.5 percent compared to the same period in the previous year. 
However, when compared to the previous month, Jakarta’s imports in May 2022 decreased by 2.8 percent. The decline in imports was triggered by the decline in the value of imports in the oil and gas and non-oil and gas sectors by 44.4 percent and 1.5 percent, respectively. 
In the year-on-year period, Jakarta’s imports increased by 20.3 percent. Based on the classification of the use of imported goods (BEC), all groups increased compared to the same month in the previous year. Imports of capital goods increased by 22.4 percent, followed by imports of raw/auxiliary materials increased by 20.1 percent and imports of consumer goods increased by 18.4 percent. This indicated that the Jakarta economy has moved faster than the previous year due to domestic demand.
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