Jakarta Star Hotels Occupancy Rate Drops in April 2022 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Jakarta Star Hotels Occupancy Rate Drops in April 2022

Release Date : June 2, 2022
File Size : 5.09 MB


At the beginning of 2022, the Jakarta hotel industry recorded a reasonably good performance compared to the previous year. Even the Jakarta star hotels occupancy rate reached 52.7 percent in March 2022. However, this achievement was difficult to maintain considering that the following month coincides with the moment of Ramadan when activities at the hotel tend to decrease. In April 2022, the Jakarta star hotels occupancy rate was recorded at 45.8 percent or significantly dropped by 6.9 percentage points compared to the previous month. On the other hand, the average length of stay for Jakarta star hotel guests in April 2022 was reached 1,99 days or slightly increased by 0.05 days compared to the previous month. In detail, the average length of stay of foreign guests in April 2022 reached 3.41 days, while the average length of stay of Indonesian guests was at 1.89 days. Meanwhile, the composition of hotel guests was still the same as the previous month. Indonesian guests dominated hotel room occupancy up to 93.6 percent, while foreign guests occupied 6.4 percent.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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