Jakarta Inflation Bounces Back As Prices of Gas, Gold, and Red Chilies Rise - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Jakarta Inflation Bounces Back As Prices of Gas, Gold, and Red Chilies Rise

Release Date : April 1, 2022
File Size : 3.56 MB


In the midst of turbulent global economic changes, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) in the Capital City was observed to rebound in line with the rising prices of several goods and services commodities. The increase in gas, gold, and red chilies prices caused inflation to bounce back in Jakarta at a fairly high level of 0.44 percent.
Various factors led to unstoppable price increases. The increase in the price of 12 kg LPG gas, due to the world oil and gas prices development adjustment, became the highest contributor to inflation this month. In addition, global economic uncertainty has pushed gold prices to fluctuate, resulting in relatively high contribution to inflation. Meanwhile, the limited supply of red chilies has caused the price of this commodity to soar and contributed to quite high inflation.
However, Jakarta inflation was below other cities in Indonesia. Jakarta was ranked 76th out of 88 cities that experienced inflation. This shows that inflation in Jakarta was still under control.

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