Jakarta Star Hotel Room Occupancy Rate Shows Some Progress in March 2021 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Jakarta Star Hotel Room Occupancy Rate Shows Some Progress in March 2021

Release Date : May 3, 2021
File Size : 0.61 MB


The  accomodation  industry has  optimistically  improved  since  the implementation  of  new  normal  era  and the  vaccination  program.  Even  though the  COVID-19  pandemic  is  not  over yet,  Jakarta  hotel  industry  is  showing  a positive  trend  along  with  the  increase  in the occupancy rate for star hotels. In  March  2021,  the  star  hotel  occupancy rate increased by 3.58 percent compared to the previous month.

Meanwhile the average length of stay of star hotel guests in March 2021 reached 2.13  days.  This  figure  was  lower  than  the previous month as well as March 2020. 

The number of guests staying at star hotels  was  still  dominated  by  domestic guests.  Foreign  guests  who  stay  are  only 96,02  percent  of  the  total  guests  staying and the rest of it were foreign guests.
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