Low Inflation in Ramadhan: A Novel Experience for Jakarta - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Low Inflation in Ramadhan: A Novel Experience for Jakarta

Release Date : May 3, 2021
File Size : 0.61 MB


Entering the month of Ramadan in 2021,  prices  in  Jakarta  begin  to  fluctuate. Almost all goods and services experienced price  changing.  Nevertheless,  the  price changes  were  still  in  an  acceptable  range, even  the  occurred  inflation  was  recorded as  the  lowest  inflation  in  the  month  of Ramadan in the last 4 years.

During  April  2021,  Jakarta  was observed  to  experience  inflation  of  0.08 percent,  slightly  higher  than  the  previous month,  but  far  below  April  2020,  and Ramadan  in  2018  and  2019.  This  month, the inflation or price increases ranged from 0,01  to  0.59  percent  occurred  evenly  in  all expenditure category, except for transport, which experienced mild deflation.

Meanwhile,  commodities  that contributed highly to inflation were mostly from foodstuff category, such as chicken and cooking oil. This is understandable given the high demand for these commodities during the month of Ramadan.
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