Processing Industry Triggers Decline in Exports Jakarta October 2020 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Processing Industry Triggers Decline in Exports Jakarta October 2020

Release Date : December 1, 2020
File Size : 1.82 MB


BPS DKI Jakarta Province noted that Jakarta's export value throughout October 2020 fell moderately compared to September 2020 after increasing successively in the last four months. The decline in export value in the capital this time was triggered by a decline in exports in the manufacturing sector, including jewelery / gems, electrical machinery / equipment, and vehicles and their parts. Meanwhile, the oil and gas, agriculture, mining and other sectors increased. In line with exports, Jakarta's imports also fell compared to the previous month, but with a deeper decline. The contraction of Jakarta's imports in October 2020 was driven by a decline in imports of electrical machinery / equipment, optical devices and organic chemicals. In addition, all categories of use of imported goods have decreased by almost the same percentage.
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