Press Release (July 1, 2024) - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Press Release (July 1, 2024)

Press Release (July 1, 2024)

July 1, 2024 | BPS Activities

  • The year-on-year (y-on-y) inflation rate in June 2024 was 2.23 percent, with a Consumer Price Index (CPI) of 105.10.
  • Inflation occurred as the prices went up, as indicated by the increase in almost all expenditure groups indices, namely: Food, Beverages, and Tobacco Group of 4.89 percent; Housing, Water, Electricity, and Household Fuel Group of 0.52 percent; Furnishings, Household Equipment, and Routine Household Maintenance Group of 1.96 percent; Health Group of 1.62 percent; Transport Group of 1.98 percent; Information, Communication, and Financial Services Group recorded a deflation of 0.19 percent; Recreation, Sport, and Culture Group of 0.49 percent; Education Group of 2.18 percent; Food and Beverage Serving Services/Restaurant Group of 2.26 percent; and Personal Care and Other Services Group of 5.98 percent. Meanwhile, the price index of Clothing and Footwear Group fell by 0.65 percent.
  • The month-to-month (m-to-m) inflation rate in June 2024 was 0.12 percent, and year-to-date (y-to-d) inflation in June 2024 was 0.91 percent.
  • The value of Jakarta’s export in May 2024 reached US$1,028.48 million, increased 27,76 percent compared to exports in April 2024 and rose by 7.08 percent compared to May 2023.
  • Oil and gas exports reached US$2.21 million, decreased 27.20 percent compared to April 2024, and rose 19.13 percent compared to exports in May 2023.
  • Non-oil and gas exports in May 2024 reached US$1,026.27 million, increased 27.96 percent compared to April 2024 and increased 7.05 percent compared to May 2023.
  • The commodities with the largest increase compared to April 2024 were copper and articles thereof to US$16.33 million (178.54 percent). The increase in exports occurred in all the ten main export commodities.
  • By industry classification, non-oil and gas exports from the manufacturing industry in May 2024 rose by 6.41  percent compared to the same month in 2023. Agriculture exports also rose 26.79 percent, while mining and other exports jumped by 168.39 percent.
  • The largest exports in May 2024 were to India, in amount of US$122.26 million, followed by the Singapore at US$113.74 million and China at US$112.27 million, with the contribution of the three reaching 33.87 percent.
  • The cumulative exports in January-May 2024 amounted to US$4,580.06 million, increased by 3.01 percent compared to the same period in the previous year.
  • Imports of Jakarta in May 2024 were worth US$ 6,401.12 million, which rose by 32.08 percent compared with April 2024, or contracted by 14.35 percent compared with May 2023.
  • Imports of oil and gas in May 2024 were worth US$ 173.76 million, which fell by 35.39 percent compared to April 2024 and rose by 24.66 percent compared to May 2023.
  • Imports of non-oil and gas in May 2024 were worth US$ 6,227.36 million, which rose by 36.04 percent compared to April 2024 and fell by 15.09 percent compared to May 2023.
  • The most significant import increase in May 2024 was iron and steel, which rose by US$ 184.66 million (77.28 percent). On the contrary, mineral fuels experienced the highest decrease by US$ 95.06 million (minus 34.79 percent).
  • Based on the classification of Broad Economic Categories (BEC), compared with April 2024, imports of intermediate goods in May 2024 increased by US$ 978.89 million (30.92 percent), followed by capital goods by US$ 413.94 million (38.19 percent), and the import of consumption goods by US$ 161.85 million (27.10 percent).
  • The largest trading partner countries imports in January-May 2024 were China with US$ 10,848.53 million (38.08 percent), Japan with US$ 2,956.26 million (10.38 percent), and Thailand with US$ 2,313.37 million (8.12 percent).
  • The room occupancy rate (ROR) of classified hotels in Jakarta in May 2024 was 52.79 percent, which increased by 2.04 percentage points compared to May 2023 (y-on-y) and increased by 9.32 percentage points compared to March 2024 (m-to-m).
  • The room occupancy rate of a four-star hotel at 58.07 percent was the highest among all-classified hotels.
  • The room occupancy rate (ROR) of non-classified hotels in Jakarta in May 2024 was 42.23 percent, which rose by 1.99 percentage points compared to May 2023 (y-on-y) and rose by 1.61 percentage points compared to April 2024 (m-to-m).
  • The average length of stay at classified hotels in Jakarta in May 2024 was 1.57 days, a decrease of 0.13 days compared to May 2023 and a decrease of 0.14 days compared to April 2024 (m-to-m).
  • The average length of stay at non-classified hotels in Jakarta in May 2024 was 1.18 days, a decrease of 0.11 days compared to May 2023 and a decrease of 0.10 days compared to April 2024 (m-to-m).
  • The proportion of foreign guests to total guests staying at classified hotels in Jakarta in May 2024 reached 9.69 percent.
  • In May 2024, total Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) Jakarta trips was 7,882 trips, it rose 3.36 percent compared to April 2024 (m-to-m), but fell by 3.42 percent compared to May 2023 (y-on-y).
  • The number of MRT Jakarta passengers in May 2024 was 3,175,772 people, rose 21.77 percent compared to April 2024 (m-to-m) and increased by 18.42 percent compared to May 2023 (y-on-y).
  • Total Light Rail Transit (LRT) Jakarta trips was 6,324 trips, rose 3.33 percent compared to April 2024 (m-to-m) and increased by 2.03 percent compared to May 2023 (y-on-y).
  • The number of LRT Jakarta passengers throughout May 2024 was 96,550 people, rose 14.16 percent compared to April 2024 (m-to-m) and rose 22.78 percent compared to May 2023 (y-on-y).
  • The total of Transjakarta buses operating throughout May 2024 reached 4,409 units, fell by 1.08 percent compared to April 2024 (m-to-m), but fell by increased 11.79 percent compared to May 2023 (y-on-y).
  • In May 2024, the number of Transjakarta passengers was 32,021,887 people, rose 19.03 percent compared to April 2024 (m-to-m) and rose 40.17 percent compared to May 2023 (y-on-y).
  • The percentage of poor people in March 2024 was 4.30 percent, a decrease of 0.14 percentage points against March 2023 which is 4.44 percent.
  • The number of poor people in March 2024 was 464.93 thousand people, decreasing 12.9 thousand people compared to March 2023 which was 477.83 thousand people.
  • The Poverty Line in March 2024 was recorded at IDR 825,288/capita/month with a Food Poverty Line composition of IDR 571,647/capita/month (69.27 percent) and the Non-Food Poverty Line is IDR 253,641/capita/month (30.73 percent).
  • In March 2024, the average poor household in DKI Jakarta will have 4.92 people household members. Thus, the size of the Poverty Line per house households on average is IDR 4,060,417/poor household/month
  • Badan Pusat Statistik

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