What Language Mastery Is Like in Indonesia - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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What Language Mastery Is Like in Indonesia

What Language Mastery Is Like in Indonesia

January 9, 2023 | BPS Activities

What is Language Mastery in Indonesia Like?
The education indicator describes the condition of the population's education in a certain place in a certain period. The benefit of these indicators is to fulfill data needs as a basis for planning, monitoring, evaluating, and research related to education.
One example of an educational indicator is the ability of the Indonesian population to speak Indonesian and regional languages. With this indicator, we can see a picture of the Indonesian population regarding the use of everyday language, both in general and in detail per generation. In addition, this indicator can be used as a basis for policies related to language preservation.
Do you know Data Friends? In 2010, as many as 7 out of 2000 Indonesians used a foreign language as their daily language.
In addition to the population's ability to speak, the results of the Advanced SP2020 also include population data by education level completed. Want to know how the education data results of the SP2020 Continuation? Look forward to the release of the results of the 2020 Population Census, OK, Data Friends.
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