What is Fertility - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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What is Fertility

What is Fertility

December 14, 2022 | BPS Activities

Friends of Data, fertility is defined as the event of giving birth to a live born child from a woman. This term is the same as a live birth, namely the release of a baby from a woman's womb with signs of life.
In the Advanced 2020 Population Census (SP2020), accurate and more complete demographic parameter data are collected by including more and more complex questions. One of the main indicators collected is fertility.
Fertility measurement observes the female population in the reproductive period, namely women in the fertile period or the period from the first menstruation (menarche) until menopause. The observation period of the fertile period used is the age range of 15-49 years.
Do you know Data Friends?
SP2010 data shows the condition of several fertility indicators such as the Crude Birth Rate, Fertility Rate by Age, and Total Fertility Rate. The Crude Birth Rate (CBR) shows that for every 1000 people there are around 17-18 births. What about other fertility indicators? Check out the infographic on #WednesdaySP this time.
Then what about fertility data in 2020? Look forward to the release of SP2020 results. Continued, Data Friends...
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