ST2023 Dissemination Towards Complete Business Processes and Governance - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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ST2023 Dissemination Towards Complete Business Processes and Governance

ST2023 Dissemination Towards Complete Business Processes and Governance

December 5, 2022 | BPS Activities

Opened with the Rampak Kendang dance and the beating of drums led by the Deputy for Production Statistics BPS, M. Habibullah, the 2023 Agricultural Census Socialization (ST2023) and Workshop on Finalizing ST2023 Teaching Materials were officially opened. The activity aimed at disseminating ST2023 goals, business processes, and ST2023 governance to BPS internal and external parties, as well as finalizing ST2023 teaching materials was held at the Holiday Inn Hotel, Bandung, West Java (West Java), 5–9 December 2022. This activity was attended by representatives of central BPS, provincial BPS, academics, as well as representatives of relevant ministries/institutions.
Head of BPS West Java province, Marsudijono said that ST2023 is trying to accommodate the impact of the data revolution that occurs as a result of changes in the data ecosystem. “BPS cannot insist on only providing aggregate data. The increasing diversity of data needs requires BPS as a data provider to enrich data down to the level of agricultural households, as well as agricultural businesses in this republic," he said.
Meanwhile, the Deputy for Production Statistics at BPS, M. Habibullah, in his remarks said that the agricultural issue that is currently surfacing is a threat to the global food crisis which leads to the issue of global inflation. "Indonesia is very lucky because it is still surviving amidst these threats. Interestingly, in Indonesia the agricultural sector is a sector that is growing positively, so the term becomes an economic cushion during the pandemic. In other words, the population working in this sector is also high, there are 26.61% of the 135.30 million people who work. However, poor households in Indonesia, 51.53%, work in the agricultural sector, "explained Habibullah.
At the end of his remarks, Habibullah also introduced the Agriculture Room which is a working group formed as an information catalyst and booster in the ST2023 network and ensures that ST2023 is carried out according to a predetermined design. He also gave his appreciation to the provincial BPS and district/city BPS for exposing Agro with all the heterogeneity of appearance in each region.
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