Indonesias Leading Commodity Rubber - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Indonesias Leading Commodity Rubber

Indonesias Leading Commodity Rubber

December 1, 2022 | BPS Activities

The agricultural, forestry and fisheries sectors have quite an important role in economic activity in Indonesia. This can be seen from its contribution to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), which is quite large, namely around 13.28 percent in 2021.
One of the sub-sectors that has quite a large potential is the plantation sub-sector. This sub-sector is a provider of raw materials for the industrial sector, absorbs labor, and generates foreign exchange.
Rubber is one of the plantation commodities that has an important role in economic activities in Indonesia. Rubber is also one of Indonesia's export commodities which is known as a foreign exchange earner besides oil and gas. Indonesia is the world's largest rubber producer and exporter.
What are the rubber statistics in Indonesia?
Check out the full explanation on #KamiST this week!
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