Initial Registration of Regsosek Begins - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Initial Registration of Regsosek Begins

Initial Registration of Regsosek Begins

October 15, 2022 | BPS Activities

Friends of the Data, today is the first day of the Preliminary Data Collection for Socio-Economic Registration (Regsosek) by the Central Statistics Agency. Take note of the data collection date, October 15-14 November 2022.

The initial Regsosek data collection is a data collection of the entire population covering all socio-economic profiles and conditions, such as geographical socioeconomic conditions, housing conditions and clean water sanitation, asset ownership, vulnerability conditions for special population groups, geospatial information, welfare levels, and other socio-economic information. The results of Regsosek will provide a ranking of the welfare of each resident which will help increase the effectiveness of government intervention programs.

Who is listed? All families in 514 districts/cities throughout Indonesia. Friends of Data, welcome the arrival of Regsosek officers and give correct and honest answers.
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