Regsosek 2022 Maintain Commitment to Strengthen Collaboration - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Regsosek 2022 Maintain Commitment to Strengthen Collaboration

Regsosek 2022 Maintain Commitment to Strengthen Collaboration

September 5, 2022 | BPS Activities

The government needs a comprehensive integrated social protection data collection ecosystem so that it is right on target. In October-November 2022, BPS will carry out the 2022 Socio-Economic Registration Initial Data Collection (Regsosek) which also involves several K/Ls. The alignment of perspectives and steps was carried out at the 2022 Regsosek Preliminary Data Collection Technical Meeting in Bekasi (5/9).


Regsosek is part of the Reform of the Social Protection System. The social protection system needs improvement in the completion of socio-economic data that covers our entire population, said Pungky Sumadi, Deputy for Population and Manpower at the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas @bappenasri. Pungky explained that is where the starting point for Regsosek was built. Of course, there are no more appropriate K/L (conducting initial data collection on Regsosek, ed), qualified, authoritative, and experienced, apart from our beloved BPS, continued Pungky.


Head of BPS, Margo Yuwono @margo_yuwono explained the role of BPS in Regsosek. BPS has a basic statistical determination function. There is Presidential Instruction No. 4/2022 and the Presidents directive in the February 15 2022 Meeting, so that the regulatory background is correct (the initial data collection for Regsosek, ed) is carried out by BPS, said Margo. The Head of BPS invites all BPS employees to make this activity a momentum to increase the central role of BPS in the management of national statistics to realize One Indonesia Data.


Regsosek is a data collection of the entire population that includes socio-economic profiles and conditions, ranging from demographic conditions, housing, the state of a persons disability, asset ownership, to geospatial information. The results of Regsosek will present the welfare ranking of each resident in order to improve the accuracy of the targeting of government programs.


However, Margo emphasized that Regsosek is not the job of BPS alone. We dont work alone. Collaboration is the key to the success of this initial Regsosek data collection, he stressed. The involvement of the central government and local governments (provincial, district/city, village) is very much needed. Margo also advised his staff to create awareness and develop special strategies.

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