Evaluation of the 2020 Population Census Activities Long Form BPS North Jakarta - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Evaluation of the 2020 Population Census Activities Long Form BPS North Jakarta

Evaluation of the 2020 Population Census Activities Long Form BPS North Jakarta

September 2, 2022 | BPS Activities

The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of North Jakarta City held an Evaluation of the 2020 Long Form Population Census (SP) Activities in the Pulau Pelangi Room, Mercure Ancol Hotel, Friday (2/9).

Dozens of activity participants from elements of the North Jakarta Administrative City Government were provided with various materials on the advanced 2020 SP and the initial data collection for the Socio-Economic Registration (REGSOSEK).

REGSOSEK is a system and database for the entire population consisting of profiles, social, economic conditions, and welfare levels that are linked to population master data and other databases up to the village/kelurahan level.

The head of the DKI Jakarta BPS, Anggoro Dwitjahyono, expressed his appreciation to the Mayor of the North Jakarta Administrative City and his staff for their support for the continued implementation of the 2020 SP.

The initial REGSOSEK data collection stage will last for two years. For 2022, it begins with technical coordination and consolidation, preparation of the REGSOSEK database and technical requirements as well as data collection. Meanwhile, in 2023 there will be data processing, public consultation forums, and data submission.

Extraordinary collaboration is needed so that the resulting data can be accurate and of high quality because REGSOSEK is a momentum for collaboration in the implementation of statistics for social protection.

The step to unify one vision in the data collection also received a response from the Mayor of the North Jakarta Administrative City, Ali Maulana Hakim. We must have one vision and work together to start data collection which is the basis for making policies and programs for the community. Remember, the data is sourced from below, so it must be as much as possible to strengthen coordination in order to produce the fastest, accurate, and valid data in North Jakarta.

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