Introduction and Character Building of STIS Polstat New Students - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Introduction and Character Building of STIS Polstat New Students

Introduction and Character Building of STIS Polstat New Students

August 18, 2022 | Other Activities

The STIS Statistics Polytechnic (STIS Polstat) held the 2022 Character Introduction and Character Building (MP2K) period as well as the release of new students to take part in the State Defense Awareness Development (PKBN).
On the fourth day of the MP2K (15/8), a public lecture entitled "Introduction to Organization and Core Values ​​of the Central Bureau of Statistics" was held. Presenting the Main Secretary of BPS, Atqo Mardiyanto as a speaker, this public lecture was guided by the Director of STIS Polstat, Erni Tri Astuti as moderator. In his presentation, Atqo explained that the implementation of education at Polstat STIS is the implementation of BPS's 4th mission, which is to build superior and adaptive human resources based on the values ​​of professionalism, integrity, and trust. “BPS is an independent agency. Therefore, instill from now on to be professional," he added. The question and answer session was enthusiastically welcomed by new students, especially questions regarding the 2023 Agricultural Census, a major BPS activity next year.
The release of PKBN is the next agenda. Atqo acted as an apple builder who carried out symbolic embedding of PKBN participant marks to student representatives. In his speech, Atqo advised new students to carry out PKBN activities seriously, to enjoy activities happily, to maintain ethics, courtesy, and the good name of the institution, and not to hesitate to report to the coach when they felt unwell.
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