ST2023 Publicity Strategy Discussion Meeting - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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ST2023 Publicity Strategy Discussion Meeting

ST2023 Publicity Strategy Discussion Meeting

July 21, 2022 | BPS Activities

On July 21, 2022, a strategic discussion meeting was held
publicity ST2023 BPS DKI Jakarta Province. Meetings are held face to face,
attended by 23 participants both from BPS DKI Jakarta Province and OPD/related agencies that
included in the St2023 Working Group, including the Communication, Information and
Statistics, Department of Food Security, Maritime Affairs and Agriculture, and Conservation Center
Natural resources.
This meeting is the first meeting of the ST2023 Working Group to discuss strategy
ST2023 publicity. Careful preparation is needed for ST2023 publicity in DKI Jakarta
because the agricultural sector is not the dominant sector in this province
so the publicity strategy is different from other provinces.
The output to be achieved from this meeting is the input from various parties
related to the ST2023 publicity plan so that later methods can be formulated
targeted publicity.
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