SILATIPA socialization - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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SILATIPA socialization

SILATIPA socialization

June 9, 2022 | Other Activities

Jakarta, June 9 2022, BPS DKI Jakarta Province carried out PSBB (Employees Deliver News) activities and at the same time disseminated the SILATIPA application. SILATIPA (Integrated Statistical Service System) has been created since November 2021 and tested by BPS staff of DKI Jakarta Province to test the stability of the application. This application has been officially registered on the Playstore as of March 23, 2022 and has arrived at version 1.2 where additional functions and performance improvements have been made. This application contains strategic data that can be accessed offline after updating the data. This application also contains other products from BPS DKI Jakarta Province such as publications, news, data requests and satisfaction surveys. It is hoped that this application can further facilitate services and access to BPS DKI Jakarta Province products.
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