Training for Data Needs Survey 2022 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Training for Data Needs Survey 2022

Training for Data Needs Survey 2022

May 31, 2022 | BPS Activities

Tuesday, May 31, 2022, face-to-face training for the 2022 Data Needs Survey (SKD) will be held at BPS DKI Jakarta Province. The training which was attended by the Regency/City BPS was opened by the IPDS Function Coordinator of DKI Jakarta Province BPS Dwino Daries, in his remarks KF IPDS BPS DKI Jakarta Province said that the Data Needs Survey training is very important to get an external assessment, in this case BPS data users. BPS must pay attention to what is recommended in the context of improving public services, because the need for data is increasing, therefore services must also be better.

SKD is a survey conducted by BPS to identify consumer needs and satisfaction in order to improve data quality and public services.

The purpose of implementing SKD in general is to obtain evaluation materials from consumers as supporting materials for improving the quality of data and statistical information, as well as providing good service. Specifically, the objectives of implementing the SKD can be described in the following details:

1. Knowing the type of data that consumers need

2. Provide recommendations for service improvement in PST units in each BPS work unit throughout Indonesia

3. Knowing the level of consumer satisfaction with the quality of BPS data and services

4. Knowing the achievement of BPS Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

5. Knowing the value of anti-corruption perceptions of BPS services
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