Coordination Meeting for LF SP2020 PREPARATION throughout DKI JAKARTA - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Coordination Meeting for LF SP2020 PREPARATION throughout DKI JAKARTA

Coordination Meeting for LF SP2020 PREPARATION throughout DKI JAKARTA

March 18, 2022 | BPS Activities

In order to explain the activities, timelines, administration and make important agreements for the LF SP2020 activities, the DKI Jakarta Provincial BPS chaired by Mr. Anggoro held the LFSP2020 Preparatory Coordination Meeting at the Harris Vertue Hotel, Central Jakarta. The activity was attended by 51 participants with details of 24 people from the BPS DKI Jakarta Province, 4 people from the Thousand Islands Regency BPS, 4 people from the South Jakarta City BPS, 4 people from the East Jakarta City BPS, 4 people from the Central Jakarta City BPS, 4 people from the Central Jakarta BPS. people from West Jakarta BPS, 4 people from North Jakarta BPS, 1 representative from the Administration Bureau, 1 representative from the Communication, Information and Statistics Office, and 1 representative from the DKI Jakarta Provincial Population and Civil Registration Service.
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