Padi Jakarta Maintaining Productivity in Limited Land Fixed Number - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Padi Jakarta Maintaining Productivity in Limited Land Fixed Number

Padi Jakarta Maintaining Productivity in Limited Land Fixed Number

March 2, 2022 | BPS Activities

In 2021, the rice harvested area in Jakarta will decrease by 354.54 ha (38.77 percent) when compared to conditions in 2020. This condition is mainly due to a number of rice fields being converted into factories, housing and Covid-19 cemeteries. Still in the same period, Jakarta's rice production was recorded at 3,249.47 tons of GKG, a decrease of 28.49 percent when compared to 2020. This value slightly corrected the previous estimate due to an adjustment in the harvest period in subround III (September-December). However, the decline in production was slower than the decline in harvested area. This means that production productivity can still be maintained quite well.
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