Great Harvest and Tile Activities in East Jakarta 2022 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Great Harvest and Tile Activities in East Jakarta 2022

Great Harvest and Tile Activities in East Jakarta 2022

February 22, 2022 | BPS Activities

On Wednesday, February 22, 2022, a harvest and tiling activity was carried out in the eternal rice fields in the Ujung Menteng Village, East Jakarta. The harvest activity was attended by the Head of KPKP Sub-dept., Head of UPT Seed Center, BPS DKI Jakarta Province as well as representatives from the KPKP Sub-dept. and farmer groups in Jakarta. On this day, Ciherang seeds produced by Balai Seed were also handed over to representatives of farmer groups who were present. The activity was continued with 4 plots of tiling, where 1 plot was a KSA sample while the other 3 were not KSA samples. The results of the tiles obtained an average rice production of 3.69 kg in 1 tiled plot with a moisture content of 19.5 percent.
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