Implementation of FGD Availability of Industrial Statistics Data towards One Industrial Statistics - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Implementation of FGD Availability of Industrial Statistics Data towards One Industrial Statistics

Implementation of FGD Availability of Industrial Statistics Data towards One Industrial Statistics

February 16, 2022 | BPS Activities

On Wednesday, February 16, 2022, a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on Availability of Industrial Statistical Data towards One Industrial Statistics Data for 2022 was held by inviting representatives from the Communication, Information and Statistics Office, Industry, Trade, Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises Office, The Office of Investment and One Stop Integrated Services, the Office of Manpower, Transmigration and Energy as well as representatives from the Provincial and District/City BPS. FGD activities are conducted online via video conference.
The FGD event was opened by the Head of BPS DKI Jakarta Province, Mr. Anggoro Dwitjahyono. This FGD is the first FGD activity for industry and construction statistics and is also a good start towards improving data, especially in the field of industrial statistics. This FGD aims to refresh and convey industrial statistics activities carried out by BPS DKI Jakarta Province in relation to data collection in the manufacturing, mining, energy and construction industries. In addition, this FGD also aims to bridge the increasing need for industrial statistical data from data consumers, BPS often gets questions about data that is more sectoral in nature which we cannot collect due to the authority factor.
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