Release 2 June 2021 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Release 2 June 2021

Release 2 June 2021

June 2, 2021 | BPS Activities

Hi data friends, here is the latest data update from the DKI Jakarta BPS:
1. Inflation
In May 2021, the prices of goods and services in DKI Jakarta are well controlled. During this month aggregate inflation was 0.41 percent. Each group of goods and services has a different contribution to inflation. Most experienced inflation, and one group experienced deflation.
2. Export
Exports of goods from Jakarta in April 2021 amounted to US$ 971.69 million, down 2.65 percent compared to the previous month (m-to-m). However, when compared to the same month the previous year, exports of goods from Jakarta rose 60.56 percent (y-on-y).
3. Import
Jakarta's imports in April 2021 were recorded at US$ 5,436.98 million, up 0.03 percent compared to the previous month (m-to-m). When compared to April 2020, Jakarta's imports rose 8.59 percent (y-on-y).
4. Foreign tourists (tourists)
There were 15,539 foreign tourists visiting Jakarta in April 2021, an increase of 52.37 percent compared to the previous month (m-to-m). However, this is far beyond the condition in April last year which was only 436 visits or up 3,463.99 percent (y-on-y).
5. Room Occupancy Rate (TPK)
The ROR for star hotels in April 2021 was 46.59 percent, an increase of 1.48 percent compared to the previous month (m-to-m). When compared to April 2020, TPK in April 2021 rose 26.75 percent (y-on-y).
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