Quality Assurance for the 2021 Quarter I Imk Survey - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Quality Assurance for the 2021 Quarter I Imk Survey

Quality Assurance for the 2021 Quarter I Imk Survey

April 15, 2021 | BPS Activities

Quality Assurance (PK) The BPS Quarter I Quarter I Survey of DKI Jakarta Province was carried out in 5 DKI Jakarta areas, namely: South Jakarta, East Jakarta, Central Jakarta, West Jakarta and North Jakarta, April 15-19 2021. PK was carried out on three activities Quarterly IMK field, namely the implementation of new SOPs, monitoring the quality of household updating and monitoring the quality of the complete enumeration of business households. Quality assurance is carried out to ensure that the survey runs well according to the procedure. In addition, PK also minimizes the occurrence of non-sampling errors due to officer errors, namely in the form of coverage errors and content errors. Coverage errors can be caused by officers' lack of accuracy in understanding the scope of their task areas, map errors, and team performance that does not function optimally. While the errors in the input can be caused by the officer's misunderstanding of concepts and definitions, the officer's error in filling out the questionnaire that does not match the respondent's answer, the officer's error due to moral hazard, the respondent's error in understanding the officer's question so that the answer is wrong, etc. Because of the importance of this MK activity, it must be planned very carefully from the beginning of the census planning to the reporting system so that it can be easily accessed by all authorized parties in providing instructions/directions to implementers in the field. And all leaders of BPS RI, BPS Province, and BPS Regency/City can determine policies related to information on monitoring results in their area to be followed up as soon as possible.
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