Ecommerce Officer Training 2021 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Ecommerce Officer Training 2021

Ecommerce Officer Training 2021

March 18, 2021 | BPS Activities

Thursday, March 18, 2021. The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of DKI Jakarta Province will conduct an online 2021 E-Commerce Survey Officer Training for 2 effective days. This training will be held from Thursday, March 18, 2021 to Friday, March 19, 2021. Prior to the training, participants are required to take part in independent learning via BPS e-learning. The purpose of the 2021 E-Commerce Survey Officer Training is to produce uniformity in concepts between the center and the regions, and to produce qualified officers and have a good understanding of concepts in the 2021 E-Commerce Survey field implementation so as to be able to create quality data. Meanwhile, the purpose of the 2021 E-Commerce Survey data collection activity is to update the sample framework of E-Commerce businesses/companies based on the results of CAPI in the selected sample areas, to provide distribution data for E-Commerce business actors in Indonesia, to provide basic indicators that related to E-Commerce (Number of business actors, types of goods and services sold, volume and value of transactions, payment methods, and delivery methods) which refers to the concept of international standards, and to support the preparation of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), by presenting volume and the value of E-Commerce transactions in the Digital Age.
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