Release 1 February 2021 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Statistics of DKI Jakarta Province does not accept any form of gratuity. #SAYNOTOGRATUITIES

Release 1 February 2021

Release 1 February 2021

February 1, 2021 | BPS Activities

Jakarta's exports and imports throughout December 2020 were recorded to be dominated by China. Jakarta's exports in the last month of 2020 were observed to be worth 876.72 million US dollars with the highest export value to China, which was 108.36 million US dollars. Meanwhile, Jakarta's imports were recorded at 4,740.84 million US dollars, with the majority of imports from China, namely 1,678.61 million US dollars.

Jakarta's export commodities to China in December 2020 were mostly in the form of food and beverage ingredients. Exports to the Bamboo Curtain country include fish and shrimp; milk, butter and eggs; and animal/vegetable fats and oils.

On the other hand, imports from China are mostly in the form of machinery and non-food items. The highest imported commodities from China include mechanical machinery/aircraft; electrical machinery/equipment; as well as plastics and plastic goods.
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