Post Enumeration Survey SP2020 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Post Enumeration Survey SP2020

Post Enumeration Survey SP2020

October 21, 2020 | BPS Activities

The 2020 Population Census (SP2020) is the seventh population census. The implementation of the Population Census requires resources, including financing, a large number of officers and supervisors. Therefore, the evaluation of the quality of the SP2020 data is an integral part of the series of census activities.
In order to measure non-sampling errors in the implementation of SP2020, BPS conducts an evaluation through the Post Enumeration Survey SP2020 (PES) which is carried out independently of the census. Error.
PES SP2020 results are not used to improve SP2020 result data, but are used as material for evaluating the implementation of SP2020, in the form of coverage error rates and content error rates. Therefore, in 2020 after the implementation of SP2020, PES SP2020 will be implemented in 75 districts spread over 27 provinces.
The implementation of the PES SP2020 field is carried out simultaneously in 75 districts/cities spread across 27 provinces. The PES SP2020 enumeration was carried out on October 21-30 November 2020. Officers carried out field enumeration with the help of the ICS application. This application is useful to help save PES SP2020 result data.
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