Signing of the Integrity Zone Pact (ZI) for Corruption-Free Regions, and WBBM - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Statistics of DKI Jakarta Province does not accept any form of gratuity. #SAYNOTOGRATUITIES

Signing of the Integrity Zone Pact (ZI) for Corruption-Free Regions, and WBBM

Signing of the Integrity Zone Pact (ZI) for Corruption-Free Regions, and WBBM

June 17, 2020 | Other Activities

BPS DKI Jakarta corruption free!!! Hiiii data friends... on Wednesday 17 June 2020, BPS DKI Jakarta has signed the Integrity Zone Pact (ZI) for Corruption-Free Areas, and Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Regions. The launching was attended by the Main Inspector of the Indonesian Central Statistics Agency, Akhmad Jaelani, as well as echelon 2 and all echelon 3 officials in the DKI Jakarta BPS environment. Data friends need to know that BPS DKI Jakarta Province has 6 vertical offices under it, namely North Jakarta City BPS, South Jakarta City BPS, West Jakarta City BPS, East Jakarta City BPS, Central Jakarta City BPS, and Thousand Islands Regency BPS. The signing of the ZI Pact was carried out by BPS DKI Jakarta Province and all agencies under its auspices. By signing the Pact of ZI, we reject corruption and gratification!!!
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