2019 GRDP Release - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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2019 GRDP Release

2019 GRDP Release

February 5, 2020 | BPS Activities

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Jakarta's economic growth in 2019 has slowed again.
Jakarta's economy in 2019 grew slower than 2018. The slowdown was mainly due to the decline in the performance of the manufacturing industry in terms of business fields and a decline in export performance from the expenditure side. On the other hand, although still able to grow above zero percent, a number of business fields and components of expenditure also experienced a slowdown. .
Growing 5.89% in 2019, Jakarta's economic growth slowed compared to that achieved in 2017 which reached 6.20% and 2018 which amounted to 6.17%. However, this value is still higher than that achieved in 2013-2016.
In terms of business field, the Manufacturing Industry experienced a decline in performance and recorded a growth of -1.22% after growing 5.68% in the previous year. This condition is mainly caused by the decline in the transportation equipment industry which is one of the mainstay industries in Jakarta. In addition, the slowdown was also caused by the slowdown in trade and construction performance. Trade slowed from 6.27% in 2018 to 5.61% in 2019. Meanwhile construction slowed from 3.37% in 2018 to 1.78% in 2019.
In terms of Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) according to expenditure, this slowdown was partly due to declining export performance and slowing growth in the household consumption component and in physical investment as reflected in the Gross Fixed Capital Formation (PMTB) component. Exports fell by 1.44 percent, this decrease was caused by a decrease in the export transactions of goods and services abroad. Household consumption grew by 5.98% after 2018 grew by 6.03%, and PMTB grew by 1.29% after 2018 grew by 4.67%. This slowdown was caused by slower growth in the non-building PMTB component, which includes vehicles, machinery, equipment and others.
On the other hand, the 2019 legislative, presidential and vice-presidential general elections were quite able to maintain Jakarta's economic growth.
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