Workshop on Submission of Final Report on Creative Economy GRDP, Income per Capita and Preparation o - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Workshop on Submission of Final Report on Creative Economy GRDP, Income per Capita and Preparation o

Workshop on Submission of Final Report on Creative Economy GRDP, Income per Capita and Preparation o

December 16, 2019 | BPS Activities

December 16, 2019.
Workshop on Submission of Final Report on Creative Economy GRDP, Income per Capita and Preparation of DKI Jakarta IPKS at Hotel Aryaduta which was attended by representatives of the relevant OPD.
The event was opened by the Head of the Administration Section of BPS DKI Jakarta followed by the presentation of material by the Head of Social Statistics, Head of Production Balance Section and Head of Consumption Balance Section of BPS DKI Jakarta with a moderator from the Head of UPT Statistics Services @statistik_jakarta
The next session was filled with a question and answer session and closed in the form of a summary by the Head of BPS DKI Jakarta.
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