Seminar of the 2015 National Statistics Day (NSD) in Jakarta Province - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Seminar of the 2015 National Statistics Day (NSD) in Jakarta Province

Seminar of the 2015 National Statistics Day (NSD) in Jakarta Province

October 2, 2015 | Other Activities

The National Statistics Days (NSD) of Jakarta Province held on September 29, 2015 in BPS-Statistics of Jakarta Province organized a seminar. The seminar speakers are head deputy of Jakarta Chamber of Commerce and Industry; head of Trade and Small and Medium Scale Industry of Jakarta Service and BPS-Statistics of Jakarta Province. 
As moderator is Dr. Slamet Sutomo statistical observer and regional planning.
In the seminar opening head of BPS-Statistics  Jakarta Province said that the theme of the seminar is " the 2015 Economic Census, providing information for business development and competitiveness of the nation ". This theme is very appropriate because the 2016 economic census to be carried out in 2016 which will coincide with the government's development program to address the problems of poverty and unemployment.
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